Project 25 (2025)
We are looking for 25 individuals or churches to partner with us in pledging your support for $25 each month for one year. A total of $300 for the year.
Adopt a Church (2025)
We currently have 17 house churches each with different needs. We are looking for monthly pledges at 3 levels. ($50, $75, $100)
Electronics Repair Shop
We are currently raising $1000 USD to create an electronics repair shop. To do this we are educating a few of our ministry team on repairing solar panels, computers, and cell phones. To understand Cuba, you have to imagine a place where repairs are vital because often the ability to purchase new is not an option. This repair shop is a humanitarian and educational project, it will help the people of Cuba but more importantly, it is also a way to provide work and income for a few of our ministry friends. This is applying the principle of not just giving fish but teaching how to fish.