Vision and History
Christian Churches Cuba Mission began in September 2020 out of obedience to Christ’s Great
Commission and a profound Christian love for our Cuban neighbors. Planning began with a
group of veteran missionaries, some of whom were already working in Cuba, a number of Bible
College professors, and other interested church leaders who likewise had a heart to see the
Kingdom of God grow inside Cuba.
Christian Churches Cuba Mission has one purpose: to glorify God by spreading His Word and
strengthening His Kingdom across the island of twelve million people just 90 miles south of
Miami. To accomplish this purpose,
Christian Churches Cuba Mission is organized around three ministry projects:
1) Starting New Testament Christian Churches
a. Equipping ministers to make disciples and lead growing churches
b. Educating ministers in New Testament Christianity through our partnership
with Cuba Bible Institute in Havana (Dr. Don Ott, Director)
2) Strengthening New Testament Christian congregations
a. Training congregations to make disciples through our partnership with
Global Church Growth Discipling Ministries (Dr. Michael Householder,
b. Providing congregations with Spanish-language Bibles and Christian literature
through our partnership with Literature and Teaching Ministries in Joplin, MO
3) Supporting the poor in Cuba with humanitarian relief
a. Helping provide food and medicines to the poor and needy people in Cuba
b. Helping provide clean drinking water in rural areas of Cuba
c. Offering the Good News of the Gospel with every aid item provided
Commission and a profound Christian love for our Cuban neighbors. Planning began with a
group of veteran missionaries, some of whom were already working in Cuba, a number of Bible
College professors, and other interested church leaders who likewise had a heart to see the
Kingdom of God grow inside Cuba.
Christian Churches Cuba Mission has one purpose: to glorify God by spreading His Word and
strengthening His Kingdom across the island of twelve million people just 90 miles south of
Miami. To accomplish this purpose,
Christian Churches Cuba Mission is organized around three ministry projects:
1) Starting New Testament Christian Churches
a. Equipping ministers to make disciples and lead growing churches
b. Educating ministers in New Testament Christianity through our partnership
with Cuba Bible Institute in Havana (Dr. Don Ott, Director)
2) Strengthening New Testament Christian congregations
a. Training congregations to make disciples through our partnership with
Global Church Growth Discipling Ministries (Dr. Michael Householder,
b. Providing congregations with Spanish-language Bibles and Christian literature
through our partnership with Literature and Teaching Ministries in Joplin, MO
3) Supporting the poor in Cuba with humanitarian relief
a. Helping provide food and medicines to the poor and needy people in Cuba
b. Helping provide clean drinking water in rural areas of Cuba
c. Offering the Good News of the Gospel with every aid item provided